Family engagement is a core part of our approach.
We partner with families and community leaders to cultivate a web of support for students that clears a path to and through college. If you’re a returning or new family, please bookmark and continually check this web page for important and helpful resources for your child. Here, you’ll find an array of materials designed to enrich your child’s academic experience at NLCP.
Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Resources for Students
If you or someone you know has thoughts of suicide, has experienced trauma, or wants to talk with someone about overwhelming thoughts and feelings, we encourage you to talk with a trusted adult. This may include a parent, guardian, or adult in your school. Your school’s Behavioral Health Team (BHT), which may include a nurse, psychologist, counselor, or social worker, can help you get the support you need, as well. For more information, please visit: Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Resources
2022-23 Student/Family Handbook
Get to know NLCP’s policies, procedures, contact information and academic model all in one convenient handbook designed specifically for students and families.
2022-23 School Calendar
Print this handy downloadable PDF of NLCP’s current calendar. Note: Some dates are subject to change (e.g. inclement weather closure days). We recommend staff, students and families follow NLCP on social media to get closure updates in real-time during the school year.
Naviance Student Portal
Explore NLCP’s Naviance portal, designed to give all students and families real-time and on-the-go access to college and career planning and goal-setting templates.
PowerSchool Portal
Students and families can log-in and access profiles within NLCP’s PowerSchool online platform.
If you have an idea, complaint or concern about an NLCP campus you should reach out to that campus principal. If for some reason that concern is unable to be addressed at the campus please follow the steps outlined in our Parent and Stakeholders Issue Resolution Process.
Attendance Policy – Please read.
Physical Restraint and Time Out Policy - Please read
Report Bullying – Please use this form.
For reference, the bullying reporting and investigation protocol is contained in the NLCP Antibullying policy found here and the CPS Antibullying policy found here
NLCP strives to provide and protect a safe learning environment for our students. Students, school staff, and parents/guardians who witness student bullying or who have information about actual or threatened bullying should immediately report it to the campus leadership. Please provide the information in writing by completing the Bullying Report form above.
The Bullying Report form accepts anonymous reports. If you wish to remain anonymous, leave the Email field blank. No disciplinary action will be taken solely on the basis of an anonymous report.
Report Sexual Misconduct
Any allegations of sexual misconduct involving NLCP staff or students please use the Chicago Public Schools Office of Student Protection and Title IX hotline: 773-535-4400
Unresolved Concerns About Student Code of Conduct Implementation
Please contact our Collins or Christiana campus:
For reference, the suspension and expulsion appeal process is available in the student code of conduct.
Any Other Concerns
Please contact:
Collins (773) 542-6766
Christiana (773) 542-1490
NLCP on the court and in the field.
NLCP’s mascot is the Phoenix. And, just like a Phoenix, our students and student-athletes soar. NLCP proudly offers an array of athletic extracurricular activities including:
- Boys’ Football
- Girls’ Basketball
- Boys’ Basketball
- Girls’ Volleyball
- Dance Squad
- Cheer Squad
- Girls’ and Boys’ Track and Field
- Girls’ and Boys’ Cross-Country
NLCP outside of the classroom.
In addition to rigorous, college-prep coursework, NLCP offers students a wide range of extracurricular activities and classes.
Whether you’re a scholar interested in promoting empathy and nonviolent solutions to everyday problems through our NLCP Peace Warriors student group or in earning a spot with the National Honor Society, NLCP has something for you!
SHE (Strong-Humble-Empowered)
NLCP Peace Warriors
Gay-Straight Alliance
Student Council
National Honor Society
Big Sister, Big Brother
New Life
Homework Club
Dreamers Art Club
Debate Club
My Block, My Hood, My City
NLCP National Honor Society Induction Ceremony 2021